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  • Bonnie

We Are Family

Who are our family? Who are the people we “belong to”? This was the question we talked about at

a recent study with some of our Adam House residents. Each person was asked to identify a

person from their family, tell us about them and about the impact that person had/has on the

speaker. Many chose a parent or a spouse, an aunt or uncle.The descriptions made us feel as if

we knew that person just a little bit.

Next we looked at the question, “Who is Jesus’ family?” The story recorded in the Gospels

(Matthew 12:46-50: Mark 3:31-35; Luke 8:19-21) tells of Jesus responding to questions about this

mother and siblings by saying that anyone who obeys His Father in Heaven is part of Jesus’ family;

people who hear and obey God’s message are in the family.

The conversation moved on to the journey with fellow brothers and sisters across the world, those

in our home countries who are far away but close in our hearts. We expressed thankfulness for the

opportunity to be in Canada and we prayed for family and friends who were hoping that this might

someday be their story.

We then talked about the idea of moving to Canada and the family that was available to us

because there are Christian brothers and sisters waiting to welcome us. We spoke of our family

forming at Adam House residences as we walk together during the first steps in a new country, of

becoming a new family. We spoke of volunteers who come to our homes to share meals and

conversations and study and join our family at Adam House.

The residents said that we have become a new family. This sentiment was echoed in another

Adam House, where members said thank you for their fellow residents, their new brothers and

sisters. They expressed thanks for the volunteers who by coming regularly to share a family meal

and study God’s word together have also become part of the family.

We are the Family of God.


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